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Co-financed by Greece and the European Union   

Work Package 1

WP1: Project Management

Responsibles: Dr. A. Machias (HCMR), Prof. M. Samouilidis (NTUA)
Duration: 58 months (M1-M36) 01/01/2018 - 30/10/2022

The Project Steering Committee (SC), being the central coordinator and responsible for the implementation of the work packages, will organize the annual project team meetings and will meet every six months. The aim of the SC is to monitor the progress and planning of the scientific and financial part of the project, to check the quality and the quantity of deliverables, to ensure the fulfillment of the contractual obligations of the project.


Deliverables of WP1

Deliverable Title Deadline
D1.1 Minutes of the kick off meeting 31/01/2018
D1.2 Minutes of the 1st annual meeting 31/12/2018
D1.3 Minutes of the 2nd annual meeting 31/12/2019
D1.4  Minutes of the 3rd annual meeting 31/12/2020
D1.5  Minutes of the 4th annual meeting 31/12/2021
D1.6  Minutes of the final meeting 30/10/2022